I ought to start this with a big apology really, I've not blogged in an age - something I intend to rectify asap. It's been a very busy few months, I think what follows will go someway to explaining why!
If I've understood correctly then the #Nurture1516 posts are about reflecting on 2015 and looking into 2016. I'm going to attempt to reflect on 5 things and list 6 for this year...
1) The main reason for my lack of posting in quite sometime - I bought a flat.
It took it's time, I made my offer back in July and finally completed at the end of the October half term break. This meant that every spare bit of time I had running up to just before Christmas was spent shopping, decorating and moving in. I moved in just a couple of weeks before Christmas. I had a lot of help from my parents, grandparents and boyfriend, I couldn't have done it without them. I'm so pleased with it - and will be even happier next week when I have a real sofa!
2) I passed my NQT year!
Wow, well that seems like a long time ago now, but that happened in 2015. Anyone that has read my blogs for a while now will know that my year had its ups and downs just the same as any NQT does, but I got out of it in one piece in the end!
3) I've met and connected with lots of new people.
2015 has been a year of new people for me. From new twitter friends, to fellow MA students, to my boyfriend and his family and friends, to new colleagues. There have been new people in pretty much all aspects of my life. That said, it's not just about the new people. Walking into ResearchEd and bumping straight into my secondary school English teacher and catching up with him or being able to go to sessions led and attended by faces I recognise from twitter was also quite an experience.
4) I started my masters
In July I started my MA Education at the Institute of Education. I've done the first module called 'What is Education?' and I'm onto the second compulsory module (for which I should be writing an essay not this blog) Understanding Research. I had some credits from my PGCE so they're the only modules I need to do other than the dissertation.
5) I got myself a new job.
This fits more into the things I'm looking forward to really but it's kind of an overlap. Back in October I saw an advert for a Spanish teacher that must teach up to Key Stage 5. With the sixth form numbers dwindling at the school I've been teaching in, to the point where we had no year 12 this year, I thought it was an opportunity I couldn't miss. I applied, interviewed with three others and came away with the job! I was sad to be leaving of course, I've left my first school where I completed my NQT year and where I had my first tutor group and a class of year 13s who I am really going to miss. Despite this, I know this is totally the right decision for me though.
Ok, so I acknowledge now there is going to be quite an overlap between last year and this year...
1) I start the new job.
On Monday I'll start at my new school. It's going to be a total contrast to where I've been as I'm moving to an all girls grammar school. I've met my department, had the low down on who's who, got my timetable and planned a weeks worth of lessons which will go out the window when I've pitched the whole lot wrong I'm sure! There are going to be lots of different things for me to be getting used to, where behaviour was a challenge before I anticipate the intelligence of these girls is going to be my challenge here. The marking workload is higher so I'm going to have to work smarter when it comes to how I manage it. I've been on a really light timetable recently due to the lack of year 12 so having a real timetable again might be a shock, that said I'm doing a number of hours of support in GCSE classes and some KS3 music so it's a little less planning.
2) I should complete my masters.
I'll jinx it if I say I will complete my masters, but all going to plan then that's what will happen. Small issue being that I currently haven't got a clue what I want to do my dissertation on and I really need to start my reading soon...
3) I'll meet even more new people.
I intend to try my best to get to know even more new people. I'll start with my new colleagues on Monday and see where to go from there!
4) I'll figure out a bit more about my teaching
Changing schools to one that is so different is bound to make me realise where some of my strengths and weaknesses lie that's for sure. Beyond that, I want to keep trying new things, seeing what works for me and what doesn't, reading blogs, writing blogs and generally changing the way I do things. I don't have the pressure of the NQT year any more, but equally I don't have the structure it provided either, now is when I find out more about my teaching than I have in a while. In February I'm going to be working with the PGCE trainee when she comes back from her second placement and I'm sure that will make me think about my teaching again.
5) I'll settle into my new home.
Things have been so manic of late with Christmas etc I've not really had a chance to appreciate my new flat. I'm looking forward to getting into a routine again and getting used to things. Have I mentioned that I'll finally have a sofa on Wednesday?!
6) and just as I finish all of the things that have made my life manic? I'll find something else to keep me busy and fill up the time I don't have!
I don't know what it is yet, but you can bet your bottom dollar that once I'm used to the new job, settled in the new flat and submitted the dissertation, I'll find something else to fill my time rather than letting me relax, spend time with people, get out with the camera or even play the sax like I keep saying I will!
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