Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Saying yes to everything

The first 6 weeks at my new school have flown past, I could've blinked and missed it.  At the moment it seems a little like I've imagined it, was that just a placement?  Am I returning to my 'normal' school after half term?  I'm pleased to say I'm not.  That's no reflection on my previous school I must add.  I've had a good first 6 weeks, it's been a whirlwind really, but I've really had to embrace saying yes to everything that has come my way.

'Could you come on the year 7 French trip?' - Yes.
'Will you be a joint form tutor for this year 11 group?' - Yes.
'The music tour in the summer holiday needs more female staff, as you're a female, French-speaking musician will you go?'- Yes.
'Will you go to the outdoor activity centre with year 11 in the first week back?' - Yes (although goodness knows what I've got myself into with that one!)
'Will you help out with the trainee when she comes back from her second placement?' - Yes.

I'm pretty sure there are people that think I've gone a bit mad, I've not long moved out of my parents house, bought a cat and am still trying to get through my MA and yet I'm saying yes to everything.  The way I see it, and I know this is something a lot of teachers will empathise with, is the more I say yes to the more experience I'm going to get.  A course I went on at the end of my NQT year about career progression made this exact point and I can really see it now.  If you want to progress, and I do, then you have to get noticed by the right people for the right things - and anyway, it's enjoyable too!  If there is ever a time for me to get involved with anything and everything it's probably now. Now just isn't the time for standing still.

Something else that is on my list is to really start thinking about my teaching more, sharing online and sharing more with my colleagues.  I've started a bit this half term but I think it needs more, when I was training I always liked doing new things and of late I think I've got a bit boring.  It's time to get creative again and see where it gets me...