Sunday, 12 April 2015

#100happydays take two! #happyNQT100

With term starting tomorrow I've decided to take another hit at #100happydays.  For anyone that doesn't know, the #100happydays challenge aims to make people take more notice of the things that make them happy in their lives.  When this challenge was launched 71% of people failed stating lack of time for their reason, I was one of those people.  Well, lack of time and just forgetting to do it.  I found my pictures to be repetitive and fairly mundane.  This time around I am intending to make more of an effort.

What I'd like though is for more people to join me, 100 days from now takes us right up to the end of term, seems a perfect time to do it doesn't it?  As for many of us we're on the home run to the end of the NQT year (and the point where I may need to reword my blog tag I realise!) I thought this would be a great way to do it.  I'll try and keep track of them through the #happyNQT100 and retweet them.

Obviously the more the merrier, this is open to anyone and everyone so let me know if you're taking part - NQT or otherwise.

You can register that you're taking part at but you don't have to.